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Widiba is the new bank from the Montepaschi di Siena Group that appeared on the market in September 2014, after a year of exchange of ideas with over 150 thousand users that have practically contributed to its birth, from the conception and selection of the name (Wise-Dialog-Banking) to the proposal of the services and products of the new bank.
Widiba listened to the ideas of thousands of people and turned them into reality: through an on-line platform, users shared over 3.500 ideas about the way they imagined their bank should be. Many of these ideas have become real products to the benefit of all.
Today Widiba is the competence and expertise of 600 financial advisors and 145 operational services; an open platform which guarantees customised investment choices; a technological responsive system, available on all mobile devices and tablets, and "individual" for those customisation dynamics that have been designed such as the possibility to choose the account number or the access through vocal password.
Interaction and communication modalities in compliance with the patterns of modern dialogue.