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giacomo mezzadri
Giacomo Mezzadri is multidisciplinary designer whose infinite curiosity makes him cross the borders between architecture, art and design. Having finished his architecture studies at Politecnico di Milano, he then decided to explore other scales along with the dutch art collective Atelier van Lieshout based in Rotterdam. There he has worked for 3 years, developing objects, sculptures, art installations or exhibitions, from conception phase until the actual execution of each piece.
In 2012 he founded his own practice, ½ Atelier, where he explores concepts in a wide range of scales and programs.
As an inheritance of Atelier van Lieshout, Giacomo tries to keep production within his own workshop, managing a self sufficient creation of furniture, lamps, small objects and installations.
Rather than a conventional design studio, ½ Atelier is better described as an experimental laboratory, driven by the curiosity about production processes and the potential of traditional materials like steel, wood or concrete.
The objects that come to life from this research are both poetic and playful, and make the conceptual process behind them immediately recognizable.