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Mario Barbieri
2021 - 2023- S.Store srl – Sassuolo (MO)
Company Furniture Sector
Projects, Planning and Selling, Kitchen - Bath - Living, brand Scavolini

2012 - 2021- Manfredini Furnishing – Pozza di Maranello (MO)
Company Furniture Sector
Projects, Planning and Selling Kitchen - Bath - Living multi-brand

2004 - 2009 - INSCA Italy Srl – Sassuolo (MO) Company of the Group Insca Internacional (ESP)
Production and supply display units for ceramic industries
Research and Development product – Computer graphics manager (software and hardware) – Development company image

1995 - 1998 - Artistic pottery “Il Menestrello” – Sassuolo (MO) “Terzo Fuoco” Pottery sector
Research and Development product – Computer graphics manager

1991 - 1994 - Freelancer

1989 - 1991 - Italian Gulliver associate – Modena Amusement parks and Luna Park attractions sector
Illustrator – Designer

1987 - 1989 - Park-Style – Spilamberto (MO) Amusement parks and Luna Park attractions sector
Illustrator – Designer

1981 - 1987 - Panini editions - Modena
Grafic Designer Illustrator


Various book covers for La Cittadella Editrice

1° Prize Contest "Hype the Wipe" on Jovoto

1° Prize Contest "Meat the Snack" on Jovoto

Consultant for planning and supply, in companies producing displaying systems for ceramic industries

Planning and supply supervision, exhibitor of ceramic-photovoltaic plates for the “Cotto D’Este” ceramic industry

1° Prize series of logos coordinated for BIG BLU Spa - crowdsourcing Bootb

1° Prize animated banner creation for PANTO - crowdsourcing Zooppa

Graphic project and carrying out of two small volumes for the “Services Centre Volontariamo” Modena

Teacher - Freelancer on the occasion of Vocational Training Courses at the “ASSA” institute in Bologna

Project with mention by the Jury at the contest “Cosmopack 94” called by UNIPRO

Research and Development of a new product line for the “Marazzi” ceramic industry

Creation of a multimedia catalog-CD in PDF for General Chemical Engineering

Project of company image – internal communication for the firm Mec-Track Caterpillar

Illustrator for the magazine “AM” Giorgio Mondadori (3 years collaboration)

Consultant for various Firms of the Amusement Parks and Luna Park attractions sector

Graphic project and carrying out of many collection figures for the publishing “Service Line Italy”