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Castelfranco Veneto
We are an international creative studio based in Italy.
We firmly believe that teamwork and services make the difference in a project.
You can always count on a professional team working on architecture, design, photography, comunication, graphic design, 3D modeling and render as well as many other services that will improve your visibility and business.

BRUGER STUDIO has been created with the idea of pooling under one single name different specialists dealing with architecture, graphic design, industrial design, interior and photography.

We work closely with the staff in charge of planning and communication of our customer companies, and present renderings according to the customer’s indications, from composition to scenic design, from lights to photography setting, from objects to materials and finishings of any kind.

The 3D rendering technique, boosted by specific skills and experience, enables the management of size, creativity, colors. All of this without setting up demanding sets in location and photographic studios, with the possibility of verifying countless variables both in terms of product and setting, with real-time control, and the chance to have timely updates in size, colors, tools and accessories.

A constant style and image research enables us to keep in step with times, offering our customers maximum quality and beauty in our production.