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Anna Buleeva
Cappuccino Design is a young creative partnership of two people, Albina & Anna, merging the industrial design & marketing expertise.

Albina Basharova was born in Izhevsk, Russia. Studied Industrial design in Russia. Worked as a freelance graphic designer from 2007 to 2013. Received Master degree in Industrial Design in the Scuola Politecnica Design di Milano in 2014. Worked as Industrial Deigner with Claudio Bellini design studio in 2014.

Anna Buleeva was born in Russia and received the Master degree in marketing in Moscow. She has almost 10 years of marketing experience in Johnson&Johnson and Danone, Russia. In 2015 got the Master degree in Industrial Design in the Scuola Politecnica di Design in Milan where she met Albina.

Sharing the same vision and approach to design process they have united in a team to share experience and facilitate each other in driving imagination.