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Jacob Amtorp
Designer and architect Jacob Amtorp was born in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1963. Being raised by parents, who were passionate about art, design and architecture, he was surrounded by beautiful handicrafts and artware as well as classical furniture from the the golden era of Scandinavian Design all through his childhood and youth.
Jacobs Interest in drawing, painting and building models had thus been awaken from an early age, and eventually it lead him to the Danish Design Academy, where he graduated in 1989 and later he went on to study at The Royal Academy of Architecture in Copenhagen, for 4 years during the nineties. Besides the Scandinavian design heritage he has also been moved and inspired by the modernist and functionalist movements of the 20th century, led by the Bauhaus School in Dessau, Germany founded between the two world wars. Despite being temporarily abolished by the nazies, the movement flourished after the war and has had decisive influence on modern art, design and architecture til this day. After graduating from the Danish Design Academy in 1989, and after the studies at The Royal Academy architecture in Copenhagen, Jacob won the first prize in a design contest issued by Paustian, a leading Danish design brand since the sixties. Despite this success Jacob put his focus on product design on hold for some years and went on to work for a number of architectural studios in Denmark and Norway. However his passion for product design and love of details stayed with him and after many years working as an employee for other studios he finally established his own studio Amtorp Design in 2011. Since then he has been working with clients and manufacturers from Asia and Europe developing products for the contract as well as the retail markets.