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Kyriakos Chatziparaskevas is a London based architect and designer.

​His work focuses on the synergy between art, architecture and science. This contributes to his experience in practising across different disciplines and scales.

Kyriakos work at award winning practices in the UK and Germany have earned him experience in all stages of design, on a wide variety of prestigious projects around the world that range from objects and art installations, to buildings, masterplans and urban infrastructure.

He studied architecture at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, completing his postgraduate studies in Advanced Architectural Design at the
Staedelschule in Frankfurt, Germany.

Alongside practicing architecture, Kyriakos has lectured at a number of universities including TU Darmstadt, TU Kaiserslautern in Germany, the University of Kentucky in the USA, and the University of Liverpool and Edinburgh in the UK.