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Libri Finti Clandestini
Libri Finti Clandestini is a project that examines the concept of recycling in relation with design and publishing. Its aim is to create real books using only waste paper “found around”, which people consider to be rubbish.
Indeed, all the paper with which the books are created is found in different places such as laboratories, libraries, abandoned buildings, paper mills... Books are therefore individually bound by hand, stamped and numbered.

They are little pop up books in a small editions (50, 100 copies), collaborations with artists and illustrators or single piece books ready to be used, drawn in, written in, or given any other meaning the owner chooses.

Last year Libri Finti Clandestini project took part at
some international fairs such as I Never Read Art Book Fair Basel, Toronto Art Book fair, Taipei Art Book Fair and Chicago Art Book Fair.