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Pablo Pellizzoni
Mar del Plata
Industrial designer Received at National University of Mar del Plata in 2008. Teaching researcher at the Faculty of Architecture and design of Mar del Plata since 2005 in subjects from product design and Language Proyectual, currently playing the role of Chief practical work in the subject Industrial Computing. Extention project manager such as re-use of objects and thickeners AVC for children with disabilities. Since 2005 he is working on projects in the area of ​​industrial design, manufacturing and production for clients and themselves. Obtaining several awards and special mentions such as Unilever packaging award 2005 "Bubba, the disposable bleach"; Barbecue point - "La Parrilla Argentina" gas grill and charcoal; Graphic design award Automobile Club Argentino, "climate and driving"; Seal of good design 2011 "multifunction table health" among others. In 2009 he opened his studio together with two industrial designers, until today.