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Alan Gerardo Farias
Alan Gerardo (1991) currently Design Manager at Tamarindo, a mexican fast growing contemporary furniture company. Graduated of B.S. Industrial Design at UANL. I have had the opportunity to work as Intern and Industrial Designer at Whirlpool's Global Consumer Design Mexico. At the same time, I have develop freelance projects for local and foreign companies, as well personal projects (dreams) too.
Considered by Adweek among the select group of "Talent 100" of 2011. Winner of the People's Choice Award in RTT Funky Visualization Contest 2011 in Munich, Germany, and 2nd place at AHEC Design Awards Mexico 2014. Finalist of the 5th & 6th National Furniture Design Competition DIMUEBLE 2012 & 2013 (Mexico). Part of the 1st GeneraciĆ³n DECODE, a selected group of the best young designers in Monterrey, MX.
My work has appeared in a variety of sites, among which are, Tuvie, and Yanko Design.