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Andrea Giuseppe Badalamenti
Andrea Badalamenti is a very curious, versatile designer.
He likes to look at things from different points of view to discover hidden sides, to dare and investigate the actual facts leading to new -never discounting- stylistic choices, with an eye to the natural world where beauty and functionality combines to create perfection.

In the past he worked with several studies of Architecture and Design in Florence, always with good results and praises by both collaborators of the project and the buyers of the projects, with great personal satisfaction.
He obtained a degree in Industrial Design Cum Laude.
He continued his studies, obtaining a Master's Degree in Design with 106 out of 110, both at the University of Florence.

My personality strongly empathetic and responsible has always guided me in the workplace to achieve excellent results thanks to my opening and mental speed.
For me it's always exciting to learn new concepts from different disciplines of human knowledge, merging and making them my own to reflect that in what I create.
I love new challenges and I'm not afraid in experiment in order to increase my cultural baggage that I consider the foundation and backbone of a good designer.
I like to inquire, investigate, discover, to try and try again, putting my all into what I do, without exemption.
I love to work with head and hands, to draw and create surprise.