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Pasquale _casillochechedesign_
Pasquale Casillo was born in Benevento (Italy) on January 27 1978. In 2003 he got a BA in Industrial Design at the University Rome-La Sapienza . After a stage at the design firm Zuccon International Project in Rome, he moved in Milan (Italy) where in 2008 he got a MA in Product Design at the Milan Polytechnical University, with a curriculum of study both in architecture and in design. Since 2006 he works as a consultant at the architecture firm Arcspstudio in Milan, where he focuses on both architecture and design. Antonella Cheche was born in Benevento (Italy) on January 24 gennaio 1981 In 2004 she got a BA in ?Industrial Design? at the University Rome-La Sapienza, and in 2008 a MA in Interior Design at the Milan Polytechnical University. She partecipatd various contests on product design, and on lighting design. She collaborated with Stefano Casciani, and later on with various Architecture and Design firms, as a freelance. Pasquale and Antonella collaborate in the field of Design.