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Ernesto Ruggiero
Castelforte (LT)
I was born in 1962 in Castelforte, a little town in the southern part of Latina province, Italy.
I got my degree in Architecture at “La Sapienza” university in Rome, with a thesis in Architectural Design concerning the archeological area of the nearby ancient Roman town of Minturnae. Since 1994 I’ve been working as a free professional architect, even though in the meanwhile for about fifteen years , as external consultant of the Castelforte Commune, I dealt almost exclusively with public works. Now, thanks to my continuous interest in the handicraft of quality, I returned back, in spite of plenty difficulties, to deal with design and to cultivate my old passion for the beauty in every aspect of our living and particularly in the objects of our daily use, that is the passion to seek harmony for the form, the beauty, the functionality.
