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Francesco Castiglione Morelli
He was born in 1963 in Florence.

After his studies at the artistic high school, he has exciting but very different creative experiences: he deals with fashion and photography, film and animation cinema. Subsequently, he attended the Faculty of Architecture in Rome and began to take an interest in product design by participating in various competitions and winning many prizes.

In 1993 he moved to Milan to collaborate in the Swatch Lab. But he continues to carry out free professional activity by designing original products for leading companies in the furniture, lighting, household items, etc.

He currently lives and works in Milan, as a senior designer and art director at the CASTIGLIONE MORELLI DES! GN studio, in which a precious team of young talents works.
He also lectures on design subjects and, in recent years, has expanded his skills to consumer electronics by carrying out consultancy activities for the design and development of new EPSON printers.
senior designer