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Jielt Gregoire
My name is Jielt Gregoire, design enthusiast with a strong interest for materials and manufacturing techniques.
My spelling might seem different, but on the plus side: dyslexics have a different way of thinking and are considered to be more creative!

To give this passion a proper fundament I obtained a Professional Bachelor “Industrial Product Design” at the academy of Howest in Kortrijk with an Erasmus in The Hague. During my Erasmus I got to know, work and live with people from around the world. A very inspiring period where I could pick my own curriculum. I focused on self-reflection, prototyping, designing and durability. After receiving my degree in 2011 I did an additional Bachelor of “Furniture Design” at Thomas More University College in Mechelen where I made Trigger the ceramic lounger. From 2012 until 2014 I have worked at BHOOM, a high-end Belgian design firm specialized in interior and product designing were I learned a lot about shaping, proportions and improved my CAD skills. In 2015 I got the opportunity to do an additional internship at Atelier Ted Noten, the enfant terrible of the international jewelry world based in Amsterdam.

Being a designer gives me the possibility to express myself in different ways while creating the opportunity to work in various branches and create new experiences.