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Masaaki Yanagisawa
His design approach is a research of the product’s synthesis. From this synthesis, various sceneries emerge, where the functional, aesthetic and emotional elements interact with one another.
The aim of his projects is “intervening with a single gesture”, to create a new essence.
The presence of his products integrates in daily life with balance.

Born in Japan in 1967. Graduated in Economy at the Soka University in Tokyo. In 1994 moves to Milan and in 1996 gets a Products Design degree at IED (European Design Institute). Since 1997, works at Design Management Center VillaTosca. Takes part in many workshops, such as Panasonic, JVC, Hoover, BTC, UNION. In 2002, founds Studio MYR with other associates; among their clients: Puma, Breil, Tyco, Ferrovia dello Stato. In 2007 starts his collaboration with Studio Ruiz, where he develops projects for Electrolux, Paşabahçe, Pirelli, Riva1920 and others. Since 2014 collaborates with Lumen Center Italia, for which designs the series SUMO. In 2015 founds Studio Masa.
senior designer